Icons & Chat Bots

Company: 8x8. Designed for a survey. Users were invited to click on the icon (labels removed here) representing an ad channel to answer the question, “Where did you first hear of 8x8?”

Company: Self-initiated upgrade to a shuttle bus web site. They linked to destinations - L-R: Charters, Sports Events, Airport, Sightseeing, Entertainment.

Company: 8x8. UI icons designed for display at 32x32px. L-R: Deskphone, Regions, Flagged, Guide, VR.

Company: NDA protected. Created for a personal financial management web site. L-R: Account Balance, Analytics, Goals.
Chat Bots
Marketing Web Site
Company: 8x8.
Role: Visual UI Designer.
Process: The web team used a chatbot widget that allowed customization. I proposed several concepts to the brand and web teams. Since the company is called "8 by 8" I thought a friendly octopus avatar would be fitting.

I mocked up the concepts in color combinations from our palette on a worksheet, and on the home page, to make sure they contrasted with the changing background imagery as the user scrolled down.
The teams voted, selected the blue octopus and called it "8bot8".

Support Site
Company: 8x8.
Role: Visual UI Designer.
Process: The support team used a chatbot widget that allowed customization. They asked me to create a friendly female avatar so that customers felt a real person was behind the bot's communications.
Kate went through a few iterations–see the feedback they got under each version.

The support team wanted to introduce Kate at the top of their home page so I needed to create an additional, larger, more detailed version of her.

The final with Kate appearing on the page in two sizes.