Data Visualization
Improvement on DMV Chart
Company: Case study of how public safety information could serve the public better.
Role: Content strategist, illustrator, UI designer.

DMV Chart
When The California Department of Motor Vehicles mails you a form to renew your car's registration, this lovely chart is included in the envelope.
Issues with this graphic:
The color contrast is not accessible for vision-impaired users.
Users must work too hard to separate the men’s and women’s data.
Body weight is what the user needs to find first, but it is buried.
Users will likely not read the chart because it is too crowded.

Process: In Excel, I divided up the women's and men's data from the DMV because they were too difficult to understand in one table.
I selected the men's data, tried many of Excel's native chart types, copied my favorite chart into Illustrator, then adjusted fonts, colors, patterns, and hierarchies.
Next, I tested color contrast using the WAVE Chrome extension. Now a user can easily find their weight and its associated data. I referenced Steven Few and WCAG for best practices in data visualization & accessibility.
Meeting Room Components
Company: 8x8 is a cloud communications company that sells SaaS software as well as hardware, like the room computer in this case.
Role: Visual Designer on the web marketing team, helping out the product marketing team.
Process: A requester wanted to display on the web site a mashup of clip art to show how meeting room components worked together. I drew, scaled and labeled everything to align to our brand guidelines.